Hello everybody, Trying to find the clue solution to Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Wizard Trivia Festival Event? You have arrived at the best website!
On this site, we have the Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Wizard Trivia Festival Event guide.
Here is the Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Wizard Trivia question answer
Aside from duelling, what’s my favourite hobby? [Diego] Answer
The solution for the question is:
If you are searching for all of the question clue answer, you can go to this post:
Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Wizard Trivia All Solutions
Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Wizard Trivia Festival Event

Here are some info about Hogwarts Mystery Wizard Trivia:
- It’s a part of Festival Event.
- The event is available starting at Year 1 Chapter 8.
- The Festival Grounds are accessible in Hogsmeade between Zonko’s and the Hog’s Head Inn. For those players that do not have Hogsmeade unlocked yet, the question can still be reached by clicking the ‘Go’ link in the event tab.
- Activities at the Carnival can be completed if a class or task is in progress. Tasks do not have a ‘Go’ link in the event tab and will require you to go in via Hogsmeade.
What Is Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Game
Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery is an adventure game that a lot of people just can’t stop playing! It is developed by Jam City Inc and a great match for fans of the novels and also adventure game players. Start your very own adventure in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery — an exciting role-playing game full of romance, magical creatures, spells, interactive stories, and hidden surprises! Put on the Sorting Hat, explore the world of true magic, and choose your story and solve puzzling mystery in this one-of-a-kind fantasy adventure!
Thank you for your visit on this site, If any of the answers are not right, then please alert us in the comment. We will fix them as soon as we can.
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